> 春节2024 > 福建过年天气怎么形容英语




The weather in Guangzhou is usually mild and pleasant. The city experiences a subtropical climate, with warm summers and mild winters. During the summer, temperatures can reach up to 35 degrees Celsius, accompanied by high humidity. It\'s not uncommon to have occasional thunderstorms and heavy rainfall during this time. However, the city also enjoys plenty of sunshine, making it a great destination for outdoor activities and exploration.

As for the winter, Guangzhou experiences a relatively mild and short winter season. Temperatures seldom drop below 10 degrees Celsius, and snowfall is extremely rare. It\'s the perfect time to explore the city\'s diverse cuisine and cultural attractions without worrying about extreme weather conditions.


What\'s the weather like in Guangzhou? Well, it varies depending on the season. In the spring, Guangzhou sees pleasant temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. The city starts to bloom with colorful flowers and vibrant greenery, creating a picturesque atmosphere.

During the summer, Guangzhou becomes hot and humid, with temperatures soaring to around 35 degrees Celsius. The city experiences frequent showers and thunderstorms, providing relief from the intense heat. It\'s essential to stay hydrated and carry an umbrella when venturing out.

Autumn in Guangzhou brings cooler temperatures that range from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. The cityscape transforms into a beautiful tapestry of golden leaves as the trees shed their foliage. It\'s the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities without having to endure extreme weather conditions.

Finally, winter in Guangzhou is relatively mild, with temperatures ranging between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. While it may not be snowing, the city still experiences a bit of chill in the air. It\'s a great time to explore the city\'s festive markets and enjoy warm bowls of traditional Cantonese cuisine.

【what\'s the weather in spring? 这样可以吗_沪江网校知识库】

When discussing the weather in spring, it\'s important to use the correct phrasing. Instead of asking \"What\'s the weather in spring?\" it would be more appropriate to ask \"What is the weather like in spring?\". This phrase follows the standard English usage when inquiring about weather conditions.

Spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation. In Guangzhou, the weather in spring is generally pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. The city experiences mild showers, which help nourish the blooming flowers and create a refreshing ambiance.

During springtime, it\'s a great opportunity to explore the city\'s numerous parks and gardens, such as Yuexiu Park and Baiyun Mountain, where you can witness the vibrant colors of nature coming back to life.


Let\'s take a look at the weather in downtown Shanghai. This morning, the temperature dropped to a chilly minus 7 degrees Celsius. It\'s a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of the city, as residents bundle up in warm clothing to combat the cold.

Shanghai experiences a continental monsoon climate, characterized by hot and humid summers and cold winters. During the summer months, temperatures can soar above 35 degrees Celsius, making it essential to seek refuge in air-conditioned spaces. Winter brings colder temperatures, with occasional snowfall and temperatures dipping below freezing.

Despite the extreme weather conditions, Shanghai still offers numerous attractions and activities for locals and tourists alike. The city\'s modern skyline, historic landmarks, and vibrant food scene continue to draw visitors throughout the year.


Ah, spring is a delightful season that brings so much joy to our lives. The weather during springtime is characterized by gentle breezes, occasional rainfall, and blossoming flowers. It\'s like nature\'s way of saying, \"Hey, wake up! It\'s time for new beginnings!\"

One of the best parts of spring is the continuous rainfall, known as ChunLei, which provides much-needed nourishment for the growing vegetation. It\'s fascinating to witness how the rain embraces the earth, turning it into a lush paradise.

Spring is also an excellent time for agricultural activities like spring sowing. Farmers eagerly prepare their fields, taking advantage of the favorable weather conditions to cultivate and grow crops. It\'s a season filled with anticipation and hope for a bountiful harvest.


When asking about the weather in English, it is correct to use the phrase \"What\'s the weather like today?\" using the word \"like\" as a preposition. This phrasing is commonly used and understood by English speakers.

Asking about the weather is a common topic of conversation, as it allows us to gauge the current atmospheric conditions and plan our activities accordingly. By inquiring about the weather, we can determine if it\'s a good day for outdoor adventures or if it\'s better to stay indoors and relax.

Remember, language is constantly evolving, and it\'s essential to use the correct phrasing and expressions to ensure effective communication.


Let\'s learn some English words related to weather, suitable for third-grade students:

  • Sunny - Meaning a bright and clear day. It\'s a perfect time for outdoor activities and enjoying the warmth of the sun.
  • Cloudy - Referring to a sky filled with clouds, blocking direct sunlight and creating a cooler ambiance.
  • Rain - Describing the falling of water droplets from the sky. It\'s essential to carry an umbrella or wear a raincoat to stay dry.
  • Hot - Representing a high temperature that can make you sweat. Make sure to stay hydrated and seek shade during hot weather.
  • Warm - Signifying comfortable and pleasant temperatures that are neither too hot nor too cold. It\'s a wonderful time to enjoy outdoor activities and leisurely walks.
  • Cold - Indicating low temperatures that require warm clothing. The cold weather can be invigorating, but it\'s important to dress appropriately to avoid discomfort.
  • Cool - Describing a refreshing and comfortable temperature. Cool weather provides relief from heat and makes outdoor activities more enjoyable.
  • Snow - Referring to frozen water vapor falling from the sky in delicate white flakes. Snow creates a magical atmosphere and offers opportunities for winter activities like building snowmen and skiing.
  • Windy - Signifying a strong presence of wind. It\'s important to secure loose objects and dress warmly during windy weather to protect yourself from the chill.


Wenzhou Weather: Wenzhou is a remarkably beautiful place, especially in spring. The city comes alive with an explosion of colors as flowers of all kinds bloom in every corner. The temperatures are pleasantly warm, creating an inviting and relaxing atmosphere for both locals and visitors.

During summer, Wenzhou becomes more tropical, with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius. It\'s the perfect time to enjoy the city\'s beautiful beaches and take a dip in the refreshing waters.

In autumn, the temperature gradually cools down, ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The cityscape transforms into a mesmerizing palette of vibrant red, orange, and golden hues as the leaves change color.

As winter arrives, Wenzhou experiences a mild and comfortable chill, with temperatures seldom dropping below 5 degrees Celsius. It\'s a great season to indulge in hot soups and explore the city\'s rich cultural heritage.

【英语作文请根据以下提示写一篇短文介绍广州的天气.1. 广州的...

Let\'s write a short composition about the weather in Guangzhou, using the provided prompts:

Guangzhou, known for its subtropical climate, enjoys a mild and pleasant weather throughout much of the year. The city experiences hot and humid summers, with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees Celsius, accompanied by occasional thunderstorms. It\'s essential to stay hydrated and seek shelter from the intense heat.

Winter in Guangzhou is relatively mild, with temperatures rarely dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. It\'s a perfect time to explore the city\'s bustling streets and indulge in delicious Cantonese cuisine without worrying about extreme weather conditions.

During spring, Guangzhou transforms into a beautiful paradise with blooming flowers and lush greenery. The weather is mild and comfortable, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. It\'s a great season to take leisurely walks in the city\'s parks and enjoy outdoor activities.

In autumn, Guangzhou experiences cooler temperatures ranging from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. The cityscape is painted with the breathtaking colors of falling leaves, creating a picturesque ambiance. It\'s a fantastic time to explore Guangzhou\'s cultural attractions and immerse oneself in the city\'s vibrant atmosphere.


A: What a gorgeous day today!

B: Yes, indeed. However, I still feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.

A: Oh, where are you from?

B: I\'m from a small town called Sunshineville. It\'s known for its sunny and warm weather throughout the year.

A: That sounds lovely. I\'m from Guangzhou, and our weather is quite different. We have hot and humid summers and relatively mild winters.

B: I see. I guess every place has its own unique climate. I should visit Guangzhou someday to experience it myself.

A: Definitely! Guangzhou has so much to offer, from delicious food to cultural landmarks. The weather may be different, but it\'s always a great time to explore the city.